I Spike You!

Ahhh the internet….

Publish my own personal mx record in hopes to get my own email going….
I decided to see why my email outbound wasn’t working (sigh even following Paul Cunningham’s post seems I’m missing something) seems all my out-bound based SMTP connections to external mail servers seems to be failing. According to my firewall (Palo Alto) The rule is allowing it out but the application shows incomplete… like it’s never establishing a connection. So from my previous posts, I use telnet to attempt a connection on external known IPs for SMTP mail server, and sure enough no connections can be established (I know I’ll eventually have to create a receive connector from outbound sources and create a security rule to allow email from outside in, but I wanted to tackle email going out first).

I decided to attempt the same port 25 connection to the new record I created (I have multiple internet connection to utilize to actually test connections from “outside” instead of having to rely on a loop back NAT rule or anything). to my dismay it showed failed to connect (I already expected this as I created a NAT rule but I never created a security rule to allow the connection). I decided to go to my Monitor tab to see if I could see the attempted connection, I indeed did see it. However what surprised me more was the failed attempts from others in the short time I created this record (considering I had the IP for a long time and pretty much all ports were blocked forever, I didn’t expect there to be much attempts) these were either crawlers or something else…. but guess who the every first was….
University of Michigan (AS36375)

Not once, but twice from two sequential IP addresses…. Mhmmm what are those Michigans up to?… unknown, someone remaining anonymous, Michigian Hookup? occurred 3 minutes after.

Then Hours Later….
Digital Ocean, Inc. (AS14061)

Not sure who they are, might have to check em out..

Couple hours later……. Anonymous

I guess it only makes sense after Americans, and Anonymous it be nothing other than the Russians right…. To be fair I don’t actually known wtf thi sis lol, Japanese mixed with Russian or something pile of who knows what.

They are least tried three times in a row from same IP (Good thought idea, if it doesn’t work once, heck try again a couple times)

Then my attempt… pretty funny what you can hear if you just listen…

This isn’t actually I Spike You! Like from the old school GoldenEye movie, but this is what you’d actually do if you wanted to “Spike” someone online, this is my actual server I plan to use of course, but if I actually wanted to find out what people are up to I’d create a honeypot. Maybe now that I post this, they’ll think my mx record is a honeypot, but it’ll secretly become in use… sometime…. lol

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