Veeam Backup Failed – SSL/TLS handshake failed

Another day, another issue.

Processing VirtualMachineName Error: Cannot get service content.
Error observed by underlying SSL/TLS BIO: Unknown errorDetail: 'SSL/TLS handshake failed', endpoint: 'https://vcenter.domain.localca:443/sdk'
SOAP connection is not available. Connection ID: [vcenter.domain.local].
Failed to create NFC download stream. NFC path: [nfc://conn:vcenter.domain.local,nfchost:host-#,stg:datastore-#@VirtualMachineName/VirtualMachineName.vmx].
--tr:Unable to open source file

If you come across this error, check if you have any firewalls between your Veeam proxy Server, and the vCenter server.

I’ve blogged about this type of problem before, but in that case it was DNS, in this case it’s a Firewall.

In most cases it’s either:

2) DNS
3) Firewall <— This Case
4) A/V
5) a Bug

You may have noticed a lack in posts lately. It’s not that I can’t figure out content to share, it’s a lack pf motivation.  I’ve been burnt out with work from the pandemic when everyone got a bunch of free money and time off… I just got more work, did I get more pay? I’ll let you decide. The amount of support calls, sheesh. That’s my only real motivation — is not to be hassled. That and the fear of losing my job, but y’know, it will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.

This site has earned me $0, so that also doesn’t help. Thanks everyone for all the support keeping this site alive.

Allow RDP through firewall

I manage core servers often and more than not I forget the exact syntax and objects and parameters used when doing so. Like this one:

Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”remote desktop” new enable=yes