Check if Someone is Remoted into a Computer

Let’s say you have a shared workstation, and you’d liek to check if someone is using it without connecting first and having the “someone is already using the workstation”, or interrupting them in the first place.

I found this and I just have to make a super quick short post about it since it blew my mind.

Why it blew my mind.

  1. It’s been around for along time.
  2. It’s native to Windows.
qwinsta /server:RemoteMachine

That’s literally it from here. Admin not needed on local or remote machine, just need remote access to remote machine from my quick testing.


Allow RDP through firewall

I manage core servers often and more than not I forget the exact syntax and objects and parameters used when doing so. Like this one:

Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”remote desktop” new enable=yes