Full Remote Admin in Windows Domain

As an Windows Server administrator, you may find yourself wanting to run some commands or do some tasks on an end users system.
Theres an awesome tool package on MS site called sysinternals, developed by an awesome guy named Mark.
However, I was having issues accessing UNC paths until I provided the options for the admin creds,
even though the cmd prompt that was running the psexec command was already elevated with the same creds.
Then I was having issues accesses local system files until I discovered the -h option.

To have full CMD on remote systems:
“psexec \\remotesystem -u domain/adminaccount -p passowrd -h cmd”

The -h is important as it pushes for an elevated token on Vista+ systems.

XCopy source destination /e /i /h (Copy all hidden and system files for profile use)

/e copy directories and subdirectories, including empty ones

/i assums directory on destination if copy more than one file and does not exist

/h copy hidden and system files

Now you can move all your Firefox settings, IE settings, and more remotely!

Jan 2018 Update

Use Robocopy, or better yet; PowerShell, instead of xcopy.

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