Check in all Files in a SharePoint Doc Library

Here’s a real quick and dirty way to check in all files using SharePoint Powershell.

Get the SharePoint Web application where the doc library sits.

$YourSPSite = Get-SPWeb https://sharepointweb.domain

Get the Document Library from the root (or as many sub layers as needed)

$DocLibrary = ($YourSPSite.RootFolder.SubFolders["Name of Folder"]).SubFolders["Name of Nested Folder"]

After this call the checkin method for each file that is not in a checked in state

$DocLibrary.Files | ?{$_.CheckOutStatus -ne "None"} | foreach {$_.CheckIn("File Checked in by Admin")}

If there are even more subfolders within this folder, they have to be taken care of by simply adding a nested .SubFolders call .EG.

$DocLibrary.SubFolders.Files | ?{$_.CheckOutStatus -ne "None"} | foreach {$_.CheckIn("File Checked in by Admin")}

At this point it doesn’t matter what the sub folders are named it’ll go through each of their files within that “layer” of nested folders.

Hope this helps someone

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