Careful Cloning ESXi Hosts

I’ll keep this post short. I was doing some ESXi host deployments in my home lab, and I noticed that when I would install on a 120GB SSD, the install would go smoothly, but I wasn’t able to use any of the storage as a Datastore. However, if I took a fresh install copy of ESXi from installing onto an 8GB USB Stick and DD’d it to the 120GB SSD I got several advantages from this:

  1. When done via a USB3 Pipe of Linux live holding a copy of my base image to deploy I could get speeds in excess of 100 MB/s, and with only 8GB of data to transfer, the “install” would complete in a mere 90 seconds.
  2. The IP address and root password are preconfigured to what I already now, and I can simply change the IP address from the DCUI and call it a day.

Using this method I could have a host up in less than 5 minutes (2 min to boot linux live, 90 seconds to install the base ESXi OS image, and 2 more to boot ESXi). This was of course on machine without ECC and all the server hardware firmware jazz… in those cases install times are always longer. anyway…

This was an amazing option, until I noticed that when I connect one machine in I just deployed and changed the IP address, and (since I’m super anal about networking during this type of project/operations) I noticed my ping from one machine (a completely different IP address) started to drop when the new device came up… and after a while the ping responses would come back but drop from the new host, and vice versa, flip and flop it goes. I’m used to this usually if there’s an IP conflict and two devices have the same IP address. In this case they were different IP addresses… after enough symptom gathering and logical deduction of because I had to assume that the MAC address just be the same and this is the same problem in reverse (different IP’s but same MAC) and as such experiencing the same symptoms.

To validate this I simply deployed my image to a new machine, then I went on the hunt to figure out how to see the MAC address, since I couldn’t plug in the NIC and get to the web based MGMT interface I had to figure out how to do that via the console CLI directly… mhmm after enough googling on my phone I found this spiceworks thread with my answer:

vim-cmd hostsvc/net/info | grep “mac =”

I then checked this against the ESXi host that I saw the flipping flopping with, and sure enough they matched…  After doing a fresh install I noticed that the first 3 sections match the physical MAC, but in my DD deployed ones they retain the MAC of the system from which it was installed and those when I ran the command above, I could tell which ones were deployed via my method. This was further mentioned in this reddit thread by a commenter who goes by the name of sryan2K1:

“The physical NIC MACs are never used. vmk ports, along with VMs themselves will all use VMWare’s OUI as the first half of the address on the wire.”

OK, now maybe I can still salvage my deployment method by simply deleting and recreating the VMK after deployment, but I’d guess it best be done via the DCUI or direct console… I found one KB by VMware/Broadcom but it gave a 404 but Luckly there was a wayback machine link for it here.

Which states the following:

“During Initial Installation and DCUI, ESXi management interface (default vmk0) is created during installation.

The MAC address assigned will be the primary active physical NIC (pnic) associated.

If the associated vmnic is modified with the management interface vmkernel will once again assign MAC address of the associated physical NIC.

To create a VMkernel port and attach it to a portgroup on a Standard vSwitch, run these commands:

esxcli network ip interface add --interface-name=vmkX --portgroup-name=portgroup
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set --interface-name=vmkX --ipv4=ipaddress --netmask=netmask --type=static"

Alternatively, you can also use esxcli to create the management interface vmkernel on the VDS.

Creation of the management interface with the ‘esxcli network’ will generate a VMware Universally Unique address instead of the pnic MAC address.

It is recommended to use the esxcli network IP interface method to create the management interface and not use DCUI.

Workarounds:               None

Additional Information:
Using DCUI to remove vmnic binding from management vmkernel or any modification will apply change at vSwitch level. Management interface is associated with propagating the change to any port groups within the vSwtich level.

Impact/Risks:                None.”

I”m assuming it means if you use the DCUI to reconfigure the MGMT interface settings the MAC will automatically be reconfigured to match what I found during initial clean install and mentioned in the reddit thread of using the first 3 sections to derive the MAC of the VMK.

But what if you don’t have any additional interfaces to use to make the section change in the DCUI to have that actually happen? cause what I’ve noticed changing the IP address and disabling IPv6 and rebooting did not change the VMK’s MAC address. Oh there’s in option in the DCUI “Reset Network Settings” within there there’s several options, I simply picked reset to factory defaults. Said success, checked the MAC via the first command stated above and bam the VMK nic changed to what it should be! Sweet my deployment method is still viable.

Hope this helps someone.

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