As some of you may know you can validate the security strength of your HTTPS secured website using
A good read on Perfect Forward secrecy
I use HA Proxy with Lets Encrypt for my sites security. While setting up those to plugins to work together apparently by default it’s not using the most secure suites ok the dev shows how you can adjust accordingly… but which ones? This what I get by default:

Phhh only a B, lets get secure here.
Little more searching I find the base ssl suites from mozilla config generator
which gave me this for the string of suites
But then ssllab report still complained about weak DH… so had to remove the final two options in the list leaving me with this
Now after applying the setting on the listener I get this!

Mhmmm yeah! A+ baby but looks like some poor saps may not be able to see my site:

Too bad so sad for IE on older OS’s, same with iOS (Macs) running older Safari.

Now let’s tackle DNS CAA well I was going to discuss how to set this up, but the linked site covers it well. Since my external DNS provider was listed in the supported providers, I logged into my providers portal to manage my DNS, and sure enough the wizard was straight forward to grant Lets Encrypt authority to sign my certificates! Finally one that was actually really easy! Wooo!

Now I suppose I can eventually play with experimental TLS1.3 but I’ll save that for another post! Cheers!