Palo Alto Networks Cert Import Stuck Uploading

Using latest browser indeed gets stuck importing certificate:

Uploading SSL Certs stuck on Uploading Screen
byu/thehayk inpaloaltonetworks

Yup had to use IE, sigh I’ll never get away from this browser. Same with locking down mixed content and blocking iframes using lower grade TLS 1.0 or 1.1. So in these cases I still have to tell people to use an older browser. How does this increase security when functionality is removed for perceived security risks. When lots of these systems can be in locked down networks where these risks of lower cypher suites are low?

Now we have to tell people to use older more insecure browsers to access resources or older web services, then they start browsing the internet inadvertently with a vulnerable browser.

Thanks Google, *slow clap*…

Oh yeah also when you make your certs, use “Host Name” not Alt Name to create proper certs with Subject Alternative Names

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