Exchange Certificates and SMTP

Exchange and the Certificates

Quick Post here… If you need to change Certificates on a SMTP receiver using TLS.. how do you do it?

You might be inclined to search and find this MS Doc source: Assign certificates to Exchange Server services | Microsoft Docs

What you might notice is how strange the UI is designed, you simple find the certificate, and in it’s settings check off to use SMTP.

Then in the connectors options, you simply check off TLS.

Any sensible person, might soon wonder… if you have multiple certificates, and they can all enable the check box for SMTP, and you can have multiple connectors with the checkbox enabled for TLS…. then… which cert is being used?

If you have any familiarity with IIS you know that you have multiple sites, then you go enable HTTPS per site, you define which cert to use (usually implying the use of SNI).

When I googled this I found someone who was having a similar question when they were receiving a unexpected cert when testing their SMTP connections.

I was also curious how you even check those, and couldn’t find anything native to Windows, just either python, or openSSL binaries required.

Anyway, from the first post seems my question was answered, in short “Magic”…

“The Exchange transport will pick the certificate that “fits” the best, based on the if its a third party certificate, the expiration date and if a subject name on the certificate matches what is set for the FQDN on the connector used.” -AndyDavid

Well that’s nice…. and a bit further down the thread someone mentions you can do it manually, when they source non other than the Exchange Guru himself; Paul Cunninham.

So that’s nice to know.

The Default Self Signed Certificate

You may have noticed a fair amount of chatter in that first thread about the default certificate. You may have even noticed some stern warnings:

“You can’t unless you remove the cert. Do not remove the built-in cert however. ” “Yikes. Ok, as I mentioned, do not delete that certificate.”-AndyDavid

Well the self signed cert looks like is due to expire soon, and I was kind of curious, how do you create a new self signed certificate?

So I followed along, and annoyingly you need an SMB shared path accessible to the Exchange server to accomplish this task. (I get it; for clustered deployments)

Anyway doing this and using the UI to assign the certificates to all the required services. Deleted the old Self Signed Cert, wait a bit, close the ECP, reopen it and….

I managed to find this ms thread with the same issue.

The first main answer was to “wait n hour or more”, yeah I don’t think that’s going to fix it…

KarlIT700 – ”

Our cert is an externally signed cert that is due to expire next year so we wanted to keep using it and not have to generate a new self sign one.

We worked around this by just running the three PS commands below in Exchange PS

Set-AuthConfig -NewCertificateThumbprint <WE JUST USED OUR CURRENT CERT THUMPRINT HERE> -NewCertificateEffectiveDate (Get-Date)
Set-AuthConfig -PublishCertificate
Set-AuthConfig -ClearPreviousCertificate


Note: that we did have issues running the first command because our cert had been installed NOT allowing the export of the cert key. once we reinstalled the same cert back into the (local Computer) personal cert store but this time using the option to allow export of the cert key, the commands above worked fine.

We then just needed to restart ISS and everything was golden. :D”

Huh, sure enough this MS KB on the same issue..

The odd part is running the validation cmdlet:

(Get-AuthConfig).CurrentCertificateThumbprint | Get-ExchangeCertificate | Format-List

Did return the certificate I renewed UI the ECP webUI… even then I decided to follow the rest of the steps, just as Karl has mentioned using the thumbprint from the only self signed cert that was there.

Which sure enough worked and everything was working again with the new self signed cert.

Anyway, figured maybe this post might help someone.

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