Word document always opening with properties sidebar

SharePoint Story

The Problem

User: “I get this properties panel opening every time I open a word doc from this SharePoint site.”

The Burdensome Solution

Me Google, find Fix:

Here’re steps:

  1. Go to Library Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Set “Allow management of Content Types?” as “Yes”.
  2. Go to Library Settings -> Click the Document content type under content types section -> Document Information panel Settings -> Uncheck the box “Always Show the Document Information Panel”.

I think we can do better than that

Which based on the answer requires 2 steps (enabling editing of content types), then flipping the switch. Which as you may have guessed does not scale well, and would be really time consuming against hundreds of lists. If you know front ends they always rely on some backend, so how’s the backend doing it? How to fix via backend

This didn’t work, Why? Cause the first linked site which is the real answer is doing it per list’s document content type, where the answer above it doing it just at the site level. The difference is noted at the beginning of this long TechNet post.

What it did tell me is how the SchemaXml property is edited, which seems to be by editing the XmlDocuments array property.

So with these three references in mind, we should now be to actually fix the problem via the backend.

The Superuser Solution

First we need to build some variables:

$plainSchema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/metadata/customXsn"

While this variable may not change (in this case its for SharePoint 2016), How this this derived? How? From this:

((((Get-spweb http://spsite.consoto.com).Lists) | ?{($_.ContentTypes["Document"]).SchemaXml -match "<openByDefault>True"})[0].ContentTypes["Document"]).XmlDocuments[1]

This takes a SharePoint Web Site, goes through all it’s lists, but only grab the lists which have a content type of Document associated with them,
all of these objects will have a property “SchemaXml” now only grab the ones that have the Schema property of “openByDefault” that are set to true,
from this list of objects only grab the first one”[0]”, grab it’s Document Content Type Object, and spit out the second XmlDocument “.XmlDocuments[1]”.
From this String XML output we want the xml property of “customXsn”:

<customXsn xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/metadata/customXsn"><xsnLocation></xsnLocation><cached>True</cached><openByDefault>True</openByDefault><xsnScope></xsnScope></customXsn>

Why? For some reason the Content Type’s SchemaXml property can not be directly edited.

Why? Unsure, but it is this field property that gets changed when doing the fix via the front end.

$goodSchema = "<customXsn xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/metadata/customXsn"><xsnLocation></xsnLocation><cached>True</cached><openByDefault>False</openByDefault><xsnScope></xsnScope></customXsn>"

This can also be derived by using a Replace operation, flipping true to false.

After this is done we need to build an object (type of array) that will hold all lists that are affected (have openByDefault set to true):

$problemDroids = ((Get-spweb http://spsite.consoto.com).Lists) | ?{($_.ContentTypes["Document"]).SchemaXml -match "<openByDefault>True"}
$problemDroids | %{($_.ContentTypes["Document"]).XmlDocuments.Delete($plainSchema)}
$problemDroids | %{($_.ContentTypes["Document"]).XmlDocuments.Add($GoodSchema)}
$problemDroids | %{($_.ContentTypes["Document"]).Update()}

Not good Enough

User: “It’s not working on all sites”

Solution: The above code will go through all document libraries affected at the root site, if you have subsites you simply have to add .Webs[0].Webs to the initial call for creating the “problemDroids” variable. The level of how deep you need to go depends on how many subsites your SharePoint implementation has.

$problemDroids = ((Get-spweb http://spsite.consoto.com).Webs[0].webs.Lists) | ?{($_.ContentTypes["Document"]).SchemaXml -match "<openByDefault>True"}


Something that should have been a boolean type property on the object was really a boolean nested in XML, which was of a string type.

Standing Ovation. Fun had by all parties involved. Tune in next week when I post more SharePoint content.

SharePoint and AD Groups

Story Time

How I got here. New site created, using same IDGLA group nesting as old sites, cross forest users. Access denied. When Old sites work. If you want the short answer please see the Summary Section. Otherwise read through and join on a crazy carpet ride.

Reddits short and blunt answer states:

“No, because in ForestA, that user from ForestB is a Foreign Security Principal, which SharePoint does not support. You would have to add a user from ForestB to a security group in ForestB and then add that group to SharePoint.”

Which would make sense, if not my old sites working in this exact manner.

To quench my ignorance I decided to remove the cross domain group from the SharePoint’s local domain group that was granted access to the site, at first it appeared as if the removal of the group did nothing to change the user access, until the next day when it appeared to have worked and the user lost access to the site (test user in test enviro). I was a bit confused here and decided to use the permission checker on the sites permission page to see what permissions was actually given to the user.

Which did not show the local domain resource group which was suppose to be granting the user access. Instead the following was presented:

Limited Access          Given through "Style Resources Readers" group.

Rabbit Hole #1: Fundamentals

Of course looking up this issues also shows my Technet post that was answered by the amazing Trevor Steward, which was a required dependency (at least for Kerberos). So that wasn’t the answer, and even in there we discussed the issue of nested groups, which in this case again was following the same IDGLA standard I did for the other sites. Something still smells off.

Digging a bit deeper I found some blog posts from a High tiered MS Senior Support Engineer. (One can only dream)… by the name of Josh Roark.

This revolved around “SharePoint: Cross-forest group memberships not reflected by Profile Import” which brought me down some sad memory lanes about the pain and grind of SharePoint’s FIM/ADI and profile sync stuff. (*Future me, guess what it has nothing to do with the problem.*) Which also funny enough, much like the Reddit states to eventually use groups from each domain directly at the resource (SharePoint page/library, etc) instead of relying on nested groups Cross Forest.

Which again still doesn’t fully explain why old sites with the same design are in fact working. I’m still confused, if the answers from all those sites were correct, me removing a cross forest nested group should not affect users permissions on the resource, but in my test it did.

So the only thing I can think of is there some other odd magic going on here with the users profiles, and what groups SharePoint thinks they are a member of?

Following Josh’s post let’s see what matches we have in our design…

Consider the following scenario:

  • You have an Active Directory Forest trust between your local forest and a remote forest.
  • You create a “domain local” type security group in Active Directory and add users from both the local forest and the remote trusted forest as members.
  • You configure SharePoint Profile Synchronization to use Active Directory Import and import users and groups from both forests.

Check, Check, Oh wait, in this case there might have only ever been one import done which was the user domain, and not the resource domain as in one case in time they were separate. I’m not sure if this play s a role here or not, not exactly like I can talk to Josh directly. *Pipe Dreams*

And the differences in our design/problem.

  • You create an Audience within the User Profile Service Application (UPA) using the “member of” option and choose your domain local group.
  • You compile the audience and find that the number of members it shows is less than you expect.
  • You click “View membership” on the audience and find that the compiled audience shows only members from your local forest.

Nope, nope, and nope, in my case it’s:

  • You create an Access to a SharePoint Resource via an AD based domain local group.
  • You attempt to access the resource as a user from a cross forest nested group.
  • You get Access Denied

He also states the Following:

“! Important !
My example above covers a scenario involving Audiences, but this also impacts claims augmentation and OAuth scenarios.

For example, let’s say you give permission to a list or a site using an Active Directory security group with cross-forest membership. You can do that, it works. Those users from the trusted forest will be able to access the site. However, if you run a SharePoint 2013-style workflow against that list, it looks up the user and their group memberships within the User Profile Service Application (UPA). Since the UPA does not show the trusted forest users as members of the group, the claims augmentation function does not think the user belongs to that group and the Workflow fails with 401 – Unauthorized.”

Alright so maybe this is still at play, HOWEVER, the answer is the same as the reddit post, and that still doesn’t explain why the design is actually working for my existing sites, I must dig deeper, but in doing so you might just find what you are looking for as well. Which is funny cause he states you can do that and it does work, then why is it not working for the reddit user, why is it not working for my new site, and why is it working for the old sites. The amount of conflicting information on this topic is a bit frustrating.

Let’s see what we can find out.

Why does this happen?

“It’s a limitation of the way that users and groups are imported into the User Profile Service Application and group membership is calculated.”

Mhmmm, ok, I do remember setting this up, and again was only for the trusted forest, not for the local forest, as initially no users resided there.

“If you look at the group in Active Directory, you’ll notice that the members from your trusted forest are not actually user objects, instead they are foreign security principals.”

Here we go again, back to the FSP’s. In my case instead of user based SIDs in the FSP OU, I had Group SIDs, either way let’s keep going.

How do we work around this?

“The only solution is to use two separate groups in your audiences and site permissions.

Use a group from the local domain to include your local forest users and use a group from the trusted domain to include your trusted forest users.”

Well here we go again, same answer, but I already mentioned it is working on my old site, and even Josh himself initially even stated “For example, let’s say you give permission to a list or a site using an Active Directory security group with cross-forest membership. You can do that, it works. ” so is this my issue or not. Either way there was one last thing he provided after this statement…

Rabbit Hole #2 : UPSA has nothing to do with Permissions

Group / Audience Troubleshooting tips:

“It can be a bit difficult to tell which groups the User Profile Service Application (UPA) thinks a certain user is a member of, or which users are members of a certain group.

You can use these SQL queries against the Profile database to get that info.

Note: These queries are written for SharePoint 2016 and above. For SharePoint 2013, you would need to drop the “upa.” part from in front of the table names: userprofile_full, usermemberships, and membergroup. You only need to supply your own group or user name.”

OK sweet, this is  useful, however I know not everyone that manages SharePoint will have direct access to the SQL server and their databases to do such look ups. The good news is I have some experience writing scripts which you can run queries from the SharePoint front end as most FE’s will have access to the DB’s and tables they need. Thus no need for direct SQL access.

Let’s create a GitHub for these here. (I have to recreate this script as it got wiped in the test enviro rebuild) *note to self don’t write code in a test enviro.

So the first issue I had to overcome was knowing what DB the service was using, since it’s possible to have multiple service applications for similar services. Sure enough I got lucky and found a technet post of someone asking the same question, and low and behold it’s none other then Trevor Steward to answer the question on his own web site (I didn’t even know about this one). a little painful but done. Unfortunately since they could be named anything, I didn’t jump though more hoops to be able to find and list the names of these UPAs, but I did code a line to help inform users of my script of that issue and what to run to help get the required name.

So with the UPA name in place, it’s scripted to locate the Profile DB, and run the same query against it.

OK, so after running my script, and validating it against the actual query that is run against the profile db, here’s what I found.

*Note* I simply entered the group name of %, which is SQL syntax for wildcard (usually *) in the group name request, which is simply a variable for the TSQL’s “like” statement.

anyway, the total groups returned was only 6, and only half of them were actually involved with SharePoint at all. I know there are WAY more groups within that user domain… so… what gives here?

*Note* Josh mentions the “Default Group Problem“, which after reading I do not use this group for permissions access and I do not believe it to be of concern or any root cause to my problem.

*Note 2* Somewhere, I lost the reference link but I found you can use a powershell cmdlet as follows (for unknown reasons as to be run as the farm account):

$profileManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager(Get-SPServiceContext((Get-SPSite)[0]))
foreach($usrProfile in $profileManager.GetEnumerator()) { Write-Host $usrProfile.AccountName "|" $usrProfile.DisplayName; }

Well that didn’t help me much, other then to show me there’s a pretty stale list of users… which brought me right back to Josh Roark…

SharePoint: The complete guide to user profile cleanup – Part 4 – 2016 – Random SharePoint Problems Explained… Intermittently (joshroark.com)

ughhhhhh, **** me…..

So first thing, I check the User Profile Service on the Central Admin page of SharePoint. I noticed it states 63 profiles.


which matches the command I ran as the farm account, HOWEVER, what I noticed was not all account were just from the user domain, several of them were from the resource domain even though no ADI existed for them. Ohhh the question just continue to mount.

At this point I came back to this the next day, and when I came back I had to re-orient myself to where I was in this rabbit hole. When I realized I was covering User Profile Import/Syncing with AD and SharePoint. and I asked myself “Why?”. AFAIK User Profiles have nothing to do with permissions?

Let’s find out, its test, lets wipe everything with UPA and it’s services, all imports and try to access the site…

Since I wasn’t too keen on this process I did a Google search and sure enough found another usual SharePoint blogger here

and look at that, the same command I mentioned above that you need tom run as the farm account for some odd reason.. so I created another script.

Well… I still have access to the old SP sites via that test account, and still not on the new site I created utilizing the same cross forest group structure… so this seem to follow my assumption that UPA profiles has nothing to do with permission access…

One thing I did notice was once I attempted to access a site, the user showed up in the UPA user profile DB without having run a sync or import task.

Well since we are this deep…. let’s delete the UPA service all together and see what happens. Under the Central Admin navigated to manage service applications, click the UPA service, and delete at the top ribbon, there was an option to delete all associated data with the service application, yes please… and…

Everything still works exactly as it did before, and proving this has nothing to do with permissions.

On a side note though, I did notice nothing changed in terms of my User details in the right upper corner, and while I have down this other rabbit hole. I’m going to avoid it here. Lucky for me, it seems in my wake, someone else by the name of Mohammad Tahir has gone down his rabbit hole for me and has even more delightfully blogged about the entire thing himself, here. I really suggestion you read it for a full understanding.

In short, that information is in the “User Information List” UIL, which is different from the data known by the UPSA, the service I just destroyed, however I will share the part where they link:

“The people picker does not extract information from the User Profile Service Application (UPSA). The UPSA syncs information from the AD and updates the UIL but it does not delete the user from it.”

Again in short, I basically broke what would be user information as seen on the sites if someone were to change their name and that change was only done on the authing source (Microsoft AD in this case). That change would not be reflected in SharePoint. At least in theory.

If you made it this far, the above was nothing more than a waste of time, other than to find out the UPSA has no bearing on permissions granted via AD groups. But if you need to clean up user information shown on SharePoint sites then you probably learnt a lot, but that’s not what this post is about.

So all, in all this is probably why there are resources online confusing the two as being connected, when it turns out… they are not.

Rabbit Hole #3: The True Problem – The Secure Token Service, or is it?

So I decided to Google a bit more and I found this thread with the same question: permissions – Users added to AD group not granted access in SharePoint – SharePoint Stack Exchange

and sure enough, what I’ve pretty much realized myself from testing so far appears to hold true on the provided answer:

“Late answer but, The User Profile is not responsible in this case.

SharePoint recognizes AD security groups and attaching permissions to these groups will cause the permissions to be granted to the User.

Unfortunately, due to SharePoint caching the user’s memberships on login, changes made to a security group are identified only after the cache has expired, possibly taking as long as 10 hours (by default) for it to happen.

This causes the unexpected behavior of adding a user to a Group and the user still being shown the access denied or lack of interface feedback related to the new permissions he should have received.

The user not having his tokens cached prior to being added to the group would cause him to receive access immediately.”

And that’s exactly the symptom I usually get, apply AD group permission and after some time (for me I assumed 24 hours cause test the next day) but from this answer states it “10 hours”. My question now would be, what cache is he talking about? Kerberos? Web Browser?

“SharePoint caching the user’s memberships on login”? What logon, Computer/Windows Logon, or SharePoint if you don’t use SSO?

OK I’m so confused now, I did the same thing in my test enviro, and it seemed to work almost instant, I did the same thing in production and it’s not applying.  God I hate SharePoint….

I attempted a Incognito Window, and that didn’t work… so not browser cache…

Logged into a workstation fresh, nope, so not Kerberos cache it seems, so what cache is he referring to?

So I decided to tighten my Google query, and I found plenty of similar issues stemming back a LONG time. security – Why are user permissions set in AD not updated immediately to SharePoint? – SharePoint Stack Exchange

In there, there’s conflicting information where someone actually again mentions the UPSA, which we’ve discovered ourselves to have no impact, and even that answer is adjusted to say even indicate it maybe false.  The more common answer appears to match the “10 hours” “cache” mentioned above, which turns out to be…. *drum roll* … “Security Token Service”.

Funny enough when I went to go Google and find source for the SharePoint STS, I got a bunch of Troubleshooting, and error related articles *Google tryin’ to help me?* either way, sure enough I find an article by non other than our new SharePoint hero; Josh Roark (Sorry Trevor), to my dismay it didn’t cover my issue, or how to clear or reset it’s cache… ok let’s keep looking…

A random github page with some insights into the design ideology... useless nothing about cache…

Found someone who posted a bunch of links around troubleshooting STS, but didn’t even write anything themselves, all I found was he linked MS’s Blog post about which literally copied and pasted Josh’s work. I guess Josh being a MS employee MS can take his work as their own without issue? anyway let’s keep looking…

Funny, I finally found someone asking the question, and for the exact same reason I wrote this whole blog post about…. also funny that the obscurity and amount of “like” or interest in the topics I find this deep have super low like counts cause of just how little people get this down into the nitty gritty. And here’s the Answer,  Third funny thing is their question wasn’t how, but what the affects of doing it are.

“When using AD groups, and adding or removing a user to that group, the permissions may not update as intended, given the default 10 hour life of a token.

I’ve read of an unofficial recommendation to shorten the token lifetime, but others have cautioned it can have adverse affect. With that, I’d rather leave it alone.

Is it safe to purge on demand?

Clear-SPDistributedCacheItem –ContainerType DistributedLogonTokenCache 

…or does it too have adverse affect?”

Answer of “It will degrade performance, but it is otherwise safe.”

OK finally, lets try this out.

I removed the group the test user was a member of in AD, which granted it contribute rights on the site.

After removing the Group I replicated it to all AD servers.

I checked the user permission via SharePoint permission checker, still showed user had contribute rights.

Ran the cmdlet mentioned about on the only SP FE server that exists, with all services running on it, including the STS.

Refreshed the permission page for SharePoint, checked user permissions… C’mon! it still says contribute rights, navigating the page via the user, yup… what gives?!?!?!!

Seriously that was suppose to have solved it, what is it?!?!

even going deep into the thread he doesn’t respond if it worked or not just what other do, as I read that yes seems lowering the cache threshold is often mentioned. For the same reasons, I want permissions to apply more instantly instead of having this stupid 10/24 hour wait period between permission changes.

If the manually clearly of the cache doesn’t work what is it? and again they bring up the misconception of the UPS/UPSA.

OMG and sure enough a TechNet post with the EXACT same problem, trying to do the exact same thing, and having the EXACT same Issue!!!


Clear-SPDistributedCacheItem –ContainerType DistributedLogonTokenCache

didn’t work….

cmdlet above + iisreset

didn’t work

Reboot FE Server

Didn’t work

Another post with the same conclusion to bump the cache timeouts.

OK so here’s an article that the “MS tech” who answered the TechNet question referenced. I’ll give credit where it’s due and providing and answer and sourcing it is nice. Active Directory Security Groups and SharePoint Claims Based Authentication | Viorel Iftode

OK Mr.Lftode what ya got for me…

The problem

The tokens have a lifetime (by default 10 hours). More than that, SharePoint by default will cache the AD security group membership details for 24 hours. That means, once the SharePoint will get the details for a security group, if the AD security group will change, SharePoint will still use the cache.

So the same 10 hour / 24 hour problem we’ve been facing this whole time, regardless of cross-forest, or single forest design.


When your access in SharePoint rely on the AD security groups you have to adjust the caching mechanism for the tokens and you have to adjust it properly everywhere (SharePoint and STS).

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell;

$CS = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService;
#TokenTimeout value before
$CS.TokenTimeout = (New-TimeSpan -minutes 2);
#TokenTimeout value after

$STSC = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
#WindowsTokenLifetime value before
$STSC.WindowsTokenLifetime = (New-TimeSpan -minutes 2);
#WindowsTokenLifetime value after
#FormsTokenLifetime value before
$STSC.FormsTokenLifetime = (New-TimeSpan -minutes 2);
#FormsTokenLifetime value after
#LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow value before
#DO NOT SET LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow LARGER THAN WindowsTokenLifetime
$STSC.LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow = (New-TimeSpan -minutes 1);
#LogonTokenCacheExpirationWindow value after

Well the exact same answer the MS tech provided, with no simple solution of simply clearing a cache on the STS, or restarting the STS, none of it seems to work, its cache is insanely persistent, apparently even across reboots.

I’ll try this out in the test enviro and see what it does. I hope it doesn’t break my site like it did the guy who asked the question on TechNet…. Here goes…

So same thing happened to my sites, I’m not sure if its for the same reason….

Rabbit Hole #4: Publishing Sites

So just like the OP from that Technet post I shared above, set the timeouts back to default and the site started working, but that doesn’t answer the OPs question, and it was left at a dead end there…

Also much like the OP, these sites were too enabled and were using the “publishing feature”.

I decided to look at the source he shared to see if I could find anything else in more details.

On the first link the OP shared the writer made the following statement:

“Publishing pages use the Security Token Service to validate pages. If the validation fails the page doesn’t load. Team sites without Publishing enabled are OK as they don’t do this validation.”

Now I can’t find any white paper type details from MS on why this might be the case, but let’s just take this bit of fact as true.

The poster also made this statement just before that one:

“Initially we had installed the farm with United States timezone, when a change was made to use New Zealand time, the configuration didn’t fully update on all servers and the Security Token Service was responding with US Date format making things very unhappy.”

Here’s a thing that happened, the certs expired, but I also got an alert in my test stating “My clock was ahead”. At first I thought this was due to the expired certs. So I went and updated the certs, and also changed the timeout values back to default which made everything work again. However now that this info is brought to my attention I’m wondering if there’s something else at play here.

Since looking at the second shared resource, makes a similar suggestion…

Rabbit Hole #5: SharePoint Sites and the Time Zones

OK so here’s the first solution to this alternative shared post that had the same issue of sites not working after lowering the STS timeout threadhold:

“Check if time zone for each web application in General Settings is same as your server time zone. Update time zone if nothing selected, run IISRESET and check if the issue is resolved.”

and the second solution is the one we already showed worked and was the answer provided back to the TechNet post by the OP, and that’s to set the thresholds back to default, which simply leaves you with the same permission issue of waiting 10/24 hours for new permissions to apply when changed in AD and not managed at SharePoint dirtectly.

Now unlike the OP… I’m going to take a quick peek to see if my timezone are different on each site vs the FE’s own timezone…

Here we gooo, ugghhhh

System Time Zone

w32tm /tz

for me it was CST, gross with CDT (That terrible thing we call daylights savings time), I really hope that doesn’t play into affect….

SharePoint Time Zone

Well I read up a bit on this from yet another SharePoint Expert “Gregory Zelfond” from SharePoint Maven.

Long story short: There’s Region Time Zone (Admin based, Per Site) and Personal Time Zone. I’m not sure if messing with the personal Time Zone matter but I’ve been down enough rabbit holes, I hope I can ignore that for now.

OK, So quick recap, I checked the site’s regional settings and the time zone matched the host machine, at least for CST, I couldn’t see anything settings in the SharePoint Site Time Zone settings for Daylights Saving times, so for all I know that could also be a contributing factor here. But for now we’ll just say it matches.

I also couldn’t find “About me” option under the top right profile area, so I couldn’t directly check the “Personal Time Zone” that way, I was however, able to check the User Profile Service Application, to “manage User Profiles” to verify there was no Time Zone set for the account I was testing with, I can again only assume here that it means it defaults to the sites Time Zone.

If so then there’s nothing wrong with any of the sites or serves time zone settings.

SO checking my logs I see the same out of Range exceptions in the ULS logs:

SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime. Parameter name: value at System.DateTime.AddTicks(Int64 value) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CacheManager.HasTimedOut() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CacheManager.GetManager(SPSite site, Boolean useContextSite, Boolean allowContextSiteOptimization, Boolean refreshIfNoContext) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.TemplateRedirectionPage.ComputeRedirectionVirtualPath(TemplateRedirectionPage basePage) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.CmsVirtualPathProvider.CombineVirtualPaths(String basePath, String relativePath) at System.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathProvider.CombineVirtualPaths(VirtualPath basePath, VirtualPath relativePath) at System.Web.UI.Dep..

OK… soooo….


We now know the following:

    1. The root issue is with the Secure Token Service (STS) cause of:
      – Token life time is 10 hours ((Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).WindowsTokenLifetime)
      – SharePoint cache the AD security details for 24 hours (([Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService).TokenTimeout)
    2. The only command we found to forcefully clear the STS cache didn’t work.
      – Clear-SPDistributedCacheItem –ContainerType DistributedLogonTokenCache
    3.  The only other alternative suggestion was to shorten the STS and SharePoint Cache settings, which breaks the SharePoint sites if they are using Publishing feature.
      – No real answer as to why.
      – Maybe Due to timezone.
      – Most likely due to the shortened cache times set.
    4.  The User Profile Service HAS NO BERRING on site permissions.

So overall, it seems if you

A) Use AD groups to manage SharePoint Permissions and

B) Use the Publishing Feature

You literally have NO OPTIONS other than to wait 24 hours for permissions to be apply to SharePoint resources when the access permissions are managed strictly via Active Directly Groups.

Well after all those rabbit holes, I’m still left with a shitty taste in my mouth. Thanks MS for making a system inheritably have a stupid permission application system with a ridiculous caveat. I honestly can’t thank you enough Microsoft.

*Update* I have a plan, which is to run the cache clear PowerShell cmdlet (the one mentioned above and linked to a TechNet stating it doesn’t work), and then recycle the STS app pool, and will report my results. Finger crossed…

Fixing SharePoint Search

Broken SharePoint Crawl

Issue: SharePoint Search

First Issue: Crawl ends in 1 min 20 seconds.

Solution: Check to see if the Page Loads when queried from the front end server. If you get a credential prompt 3 times.  Then you have to disable loop back checking.

How to:


Add a new DWORD value named DisableLoopbackCheck and give it a value of 1. After setting the value reboot your server.

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v DisableLoopbackCheck /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Second Issue: Crawl appears to complete but Errors in Log

Log Details of “the content processing pipeline failed to process the item ExpandSegments”

You may find lots of sources stating to watch out for multi valued attributes or property names such as this nicely detailed blog post however, watch for the details in the log message and it’s a bit different. However I feel this TechNet was answered incorrectly.

I tried some of the basics, such as clearing the index and adding the search account as site admin, did not help. On that note I learnt that separate search content sources within a search application do not have their own indexes. You have to create dedicated search applications for each SharePoint site if you wish them to have their own index (“Database/Tables”).

After a bit more scouring I found many instances of the same problem with the solution always being you have to create a new search application, such as this TechNet post and this TechNet Post.


Remove the content source from the existing Search Service Application.

Create an entirely new Search Service Application.

Reboot the Front End.

Add Crawl Content on new SSA. Crawl should work.

Third Issue: Red X on Search Service Application Services

*NOTE* After creating the new Search Application, a front end reboot is required to remove the red X’s on some of the application services statuses.

Fourth Issue: Search results not working

This from my testing appeared to have resolved the crawl issue at hand. However I wasn’t able to get results returned when entering data in to search. I did a bit of searching and testing and I found the solution. Turns out you have to associate the web application with the new search service application (In my testing I created a new uniquely defined search application to have a separate index then the other SharePoint Sites).


Navigate to Central Admin > Application Management > Manage web applications >Highlight the web application > Select Service Connections from top ribbon > Make sure your Search service application is selected.

This was it for me, however if you still experience issues I have also read updating the front end servers can resolve issues as well, as blogged about by Stefan Goßner.

Fifth Issue: Runaway Crawl

For some unknown reason, when I went to check out the SharePoint front end after the weekend, I noticed it was using near 100% CPU usage, very similar to a Front End that is actively doing a crawl, I knew this wasn’t a normal time for a crawl and it generally never happens during this time.

To my amazement 3 crawls were on going for over 70+ hours. Attempting to stop them from the front end option “Stop all crawl” resulted in them being stuck in a stopping state.

Googling this I found stop and starting the SharePoint Search Service under services.msc did help to bring them back to “idle”.

Now I believe this next step is what caused my next issue, but it is uncertain.

I clicked on Remove Index, for the primary search service application. It was stuck at “This shouldn’t take long” for a really long time, and I believe it was my impatience here that caused the next problem, as I restarted the search service again after this fact.

Sixth Issue: Paused by System

All solutions I found for this issue resulted in no success. Even rebooting the server the primary search service content crawl states were “paused by system. Regardless of:

    1. Pausing and Resuming the Search Services
    2. Restarting the Search Services
    3. Rebooting the server

I was only able to resolve this issue the same way I fixed the initial issue with the crawl, rebuild the search service application.

I hope this blogs helps anyone experiencing issues with SharePoint Search functionality. Cheers!

Verifying Web connections to SharePoint Sites

Simple as:

Get-Counter -Counter '\web service(_total)\current connections'

You can also use performance Monitor utilizing the same filter/”counter”.

To view all filter/”counter” types: (*note a lot of output, may want to pipe to file)

typeperf -qx

This is useful info if you plan on making Site Changes and need to know how many people might be affected. At the time of this writing I haven’t been able to figure out WHO these connections belong to, however I believe with more knowledge this might be possible. I’ll leave this open for the time being, and come back to it when time permits.

SharePoint an Update Conflict

So the other day I was getting my test environment replicated to the latest state of production. Now I did spin up my front end before replicating it, when I noticed it in the CA I powered it down and replicated it fresh, but after I had already replicated the DB server without re-replicating it, this was more than likely the cause of this problem.

So after having replicated the front end and spinning it back up, I went to make a site run from HTTP to HTTPS. So got my cert ready, bound it to my IIS site listener, go to CA to edit the Alternative Access Mappings (AAMs) and….

ERROR … “An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object SPFarm Name=SharePoint_Config is being updated by DOMAIN\username, in the STSADM process, on machine MACHINE-NAME. View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.”

Googling this there are a couple good references like this old one on the sharepointdiary even from SP 2007 so it’s a long known thing. Just not to me. 😛

This one also helped me as it covered the upper two resources point to older directories.


    1. Stop the SharePoint Timer Service
    2. On the Front end Navigate to: %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config
    3. Find the folder with dedicated numbers and hyphens.
    4. Delete everything but cache.ini (make a backup if you want of cahce.ini)
    5. restart the timer service

I noticed when I went back to the CA almost all my collections were missing in the configure alternative access mappings. So I rebooted the front end.

After that I was able to adjust the AAMs without issue. Hopes this helps someone.

SharePoint Site Slow Load

So I finish up another SharePoint 2010 -> 2016 migration and after themeing and everything is put in place, the next day my dev tells me he notices the sites slow. So I run a couple pages and sure enough each page takes 20-25 seconds to load.

Here’s a Snippet of the network console of a site that works normally. Full Site Load in almost under a second.

Not sure what was going on since the test commands were 100% clean before hand and tested this a couple times in a test, followed all my documentation to a tee.

Here’s the snippet of the slow loading SharePoint. *Note I updated this Blog post cause I came across this issue again with a newly created SharePoint Site.

As you can see over 10x slower. Trust me, you feel this…

Checking the logs showed error messages of the SharePoint Managed account failing to access the User Profile Database. (Ohhh bad me, I should be a bit more specific, I found these lines of errors in the ULS Logs (%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\Logs)

Checking the permissions set for the managed account in the database (the instance and database name are dependent on your particular SharePoint installation) sure enough showed no access rights, when all other managed services accounts had basic connect rights.

Under security I found the security principal of the service account and under it’s User Mappings I added the DB_Access right for the managed service account. Sure enough this cleared the error message from the SharePoint logs and sites were loading super last. Always check your logs…

SharePoint Orphaned
Content Types (ReportServer)

New Series! SharePoint Orphaned!

The only thing that should be orphaned, is SharePoint itself…. ohhh ouch,

The Story

joking aside, our Developer again came by reporting some issues with the newly developed SharePoint site I had migrated for him to test creating some new SharePoint web part apps. He already had his own documentation available when he first did this, good man. Even after we got past the “how to create a new template from a site with publishing features enabled”, we were still receiving an error.

Slow SharePoint fixed… But…

During this whole process this new site was intermittently responding slowly, it was baffling, and as we dug through the UNLS logs we found the issue, apparently the service account configured to run the Web Application Pool did not get access to the ProfileDB for some reason, after granting the login SPAccess on the ProfileDB it fixed the slow intermittent SharePoint loads… but sadly we were still receiving errors while attempting to deploy new sites from templates.

The signs were clear

Looking further in the UNLS logs, and the error itself complaining that content types could not contain special characters…. A bit more searching pointed us towards the sites content types page….

Whooops how did I miss this… (ReportServer Feature…)

Guess there are the “special characters”….. ugh, even though the “Test-SPContentDatabase cmdlet” returned clean throughout my migration (and all my scripts I have yet to publish). Guess this one isn’t picked up by the checker? unno anyway… what to do about this…

The search

Source one… too complicated, but interesting… he sure worked hard, I’d go this route, but I’m sure there are easier solutions… got to be and… yup.

Source two simple… lets try it…

The Solution

Install the feature, disable it on all web apps deployed on the farm, uninsatall the feature. Nice and simple, and how I usually like it, letting the system do most of the heavy lifting to avoid human error.

So Step 1: Grab Reporting Service installers (my case SharePoint 2016)

Step 2: Install it;

Next, Accept the EULA, Install


This makes the content type names behave correctly.

Step 3: Enable it;

Install-SPFeature -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ReportServer"

Now the original post said to simply Uninstall it after, but as you can see it will error, why cause, as it clearly states it’s still enabled so…

Step 4: Disable the feature on all web applications

Disable-SPFeature –Identity ReportServer –Url http://spsite.domain.com

Step 5: Uninstall the Feature:

Uninstall-SPFeature -Identity e8389ec7-70fd-4179-a1c4-6fcb4342d7a0

Step 6: Uninstall the package:

msiexec /uninstall rsSharePoint.msi

I recommend to do this after hours and on a test first. It did seem to do a IISRESET as all sites had to reload, and took a lil bit for the .NET assemblies to recompile. 😀

Now go enjoy a coffee. Thx, Jussi Palo!

The Second Solution

OK, not gonna lie, I assumed it was all good, and that assumption came to bite me in the ass…. again, never assume.

So I told my dev that I had completed the steps and should have no issues creating a new site from his template, but as I’m walking down the hall a short time later, he give me the snap fingers (like it worked) and says, “same error”.

Ughhhhh… what…

So looking back at the Sites Content Types the Report Model Document content type still remained… ok what the….

So running through the proceedure again, it cmplained stating the feature was not available for my web apps, so I re-enabled it, saw all three content types, disabled it… and report model still there…. :@ c’mon! Let’s just delete the content type!

Can never give me a break eh SharePoint…

Luckily my dev is super awesome and told me about another blog he had read (sorry I don’t have the source) and told me that the only reason the front end actually refuses to let you delete the content type, isn’t so much that it’s tied to an actual feature (even though we all know that this one did come from the ReportServer feature), but rather that it simply has a flag set on it in the table for it…

Now I normally never recommend making changes on any SharePoint Database stuff directly, and usually always recommend making all required changes via either the Central Admin/psconfig, site settings or PowerShell. However in this case we clearly installed the proper dependencies, de-activated the feature that populates those content types yet was not being removed from the content databases…

Only do this if you have tried everything else, only do this in a test environment, actually never do this…. well I guess if you have tried everything else this is your only option…

This requires you to have syadmin rights on the SQL Server instance hosting the SharePoint Content Databases. Open SSMS…

FROM WSS_CONTENTDB.[dbo].ContentTypes
WHERE Definition LIKE '%Report%'

Find the row which contains the ID for the Report Builder Content Type (Or which ever other system based content type you have orphaned needs removing). usually easily spotted as it’ll be the only one with 1 under

UPDATE dbo.ContentTypes
SET IsFromFeature = 0
WHERE ContentTypeID = *ID From above Query*

Now you can go into the actual orphaned Content Type under Site Settings and watch the delete content type not fail or error, and destroy that content type from your SharePoint life!

*Note* My Dev came back saying same error again, lol, but this time it was discovered we simply had to re-create the template and deploying the template from new worked (which originally didn’t before the above changes)

Happy SharePointing!

SharePoint Rest API call returns 500.50 URL rewrite error

The Story

Hey all another SharePoint Story here!

So my dev was working on another SharePoint site app. We did everything like before, and now he was getting a URL rewrite error. I wasn’t sure why this was happening, and since he generally had more experience troubleshooting these types of issues I sort of let him handle it for a while.

Well after a while he still couldn’t figure it out, and funny thing happened, we learned some interesting things and got bit by erroneous error messages in the end. So the first thing he tried was to give his re-write rules some new variable names. Which didn’t help and the same error was returned.

After a little while I had forgot to set the Service Principal Names (SPNs) for the new web applications we created for the new SharePoint sites. I was certain this was it, but we kept getting a URL rewrite error! (This turns out was actually the initial reason for the error, yeah it really was cause it turns out…)

I showed by dev this post by Scott on the same error. Now the reason we were getting the same URL rewrite error was cause when he changed the variable names in his re-write rule he didn’t change their associated server variables as mentioned in Scotts blog.

The Answer

The only reason we got the error both times was simply a coincidence. So it turns out:

1) If you forget to set the SPN when you Web App is set for Kerberos, and your hosting app server is on another server. You will get a re-write error if you have everything else in place.

2) If you change variables in your re-write rule and forget to set the associated system variables with it.

Both will result in a 500.50 URL rewrite error… who would of figured…

SharePoint – Invalid Field Name

The Story

Today was an interesting day, I was getting my morning coffee with dock and video cables in hand as I was about to help a colleague with a video issue when my developer walked in.

I could tell something was up when he walked in as he had a bit of a “catch his breathe” feel in his persona as he went about asking me how my morning was going. Sensing the tension in the conversation I ask him what’s going on. Then he gets right to the point, and it’s SharePoint related. Having had my gooooood amount of SharePoint experience doing majority of the SharePoint site migrations to 2016, however this time the issue revolved around the old 2010 site and server that was setup and configured before my time there.

Long story short, I took the correlation ID and searched the good old UNLS logs (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extentsions\14\LOGS). Nothing really stood out, a couple access denied due to a secure store permission for a web part, which I knew about due to the account I was using to test, and saw this webpart error out before hitting the error page on a web part edit (a different webpart that was actually working fine and failing on edit). There are other blog posts on dealing with access denied on the secure store front so I’ll leave those out of this as they were not of value to me. Continuing through the log till the very last match on the correlation ID brought up a exception halt with the line reading “Invalid field name.” along with a bunch of inner system method calls down a usual stacktrace. The stack strace wasn’t really of much relevance so I did the best thing I could, google the UNLS issue about the invalid field name, and sure enough I stumble upon a technet blog post by a Brendan Griffen.

Now you can go ahead and read more on his issue and store there, and he seems to really be hooked about “FormURN” but my case didn’t really have anything to do with that, and he does cover more the details as to the fact that certain tables that are used for content types somehow missing certain fields (ahem columns), as we all know you don’t mess with the DB directly when dealing with SharePoint. Now I don’t even get into the nitty gritty of the commands he used to verify the missing fields (thinking about that now it could have made for a more interesting blog post….. oh well) since he covers the solution to recover the missing fields with two SharePoint powershell commands, and well running those two fields in my test environment (since I was quickly able to duplicate the issue in my test) it sure beat doing that then digging endlessly through DB’s for columns I’m not sure I’m even missing, and for logs this was the last line in it so it was this or nothing…

The solution

Command 1:

Disable-SPFeature –identity "Fields" -URL RootWebURL

You will be asked if you are sure, select yes.

Command 2:

Enable-SPFeature –identity "Fields" -URL RootWebURL

that was it, just like magic (didn’t require a reboot or even a iisreset) my dev was able to edit the web part, and I was on my way to help a user with their monitor.

I’m going to soon have some SharePoint posts about orphaned items stay tuned! As well as some awesome scripts to clean up old 3rd party plugins!